Home News Collaboration between METU and TKYB in the field of sustainability

Collaboration between METU and TKYB in the field of sustainability

The Sustainability Collaboration Protocol aiming to combat climate change and pursue sustainable development goals was signed.

Middle East Technical University (METU) and the Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye (TKYB) came together to sign a Sustainability Collaboration Protocol. Aiming to provide technical knowledge and research support in various areas to enhance our country’s performance in sustainability, the protocol was established during a meeting of officials from both institutions at the METU President’s Office on August 27. The protocol was signed on behalf of METU by President Prof. Ahmet Yozgatlıgil, and on behalf of TKYB by CEO İbrahim Halil Öztop along with Executive Vice President Seçil Kızılkaya Yıldız.

Based on the shared goals of METU and TKYB in the areas of sustainable development goals and combating climate change, the protocol they signed outlines collaboration in the following ten areas:

Sustainability Research and Development

METU and TKYB will engage in research and development efforts focused on sustainable development and combating climate change. As part of these endeavors, technical knowledge will be shared, and research support will be provided to enhance sustainability performance and reduce environmental impacts.

Social Impact Management

Support will be provided in the planning, management, and monitoring of the performance of METU’s social impact initiatives. In order to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals titled “Quality Education” and “Reduced Inequalities,” the social impact of the university’s social responsibility projects and initiatives will be evaluated, and mentorship services will be provided to METU.

Sustainable and Climate-Friendly Campus Practices

The creation of projects that promote the use of renewable energy, efficient consumption of natural resources, low carbon emissions, and sustainable living practices on the university campus will be supported. To accomplish this, efforts will be concentrated on renewable energy implementations, energy-saving measures, and strategies to reduce the carbon footprint.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Ranking Processes

To promote the university’s sustainability performance on international platforms, technical support will be provided to METU during the application processes to various ranking systems that assess the current status of green campus initiatives and sustainability efforts.

Combating and Adapting to Climage Change

TKYB and METU will work together on developing strategies for climate change prevention and adaptation. These efforts will include supporting projects focusing on water management, energy efficiency, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Water and Wastewater Management

Water conservation and reclamation practices will be encouraged across the university, and research will be conducted on the efficient use of water resources and water pollution management, with recommendations for new practices to be provided.

Sustainable Finance

To enhance the sustainable finance capacity of METU, innovative capital market products such as green, social, and sustainable bonds will be examined and explored. Moreover, the university’s potential to raise capital will be leveraged for projects that can provide long-term environmental and social benefits.

Circular Economy Models

Sustainable supply chain models will be promoted, and further recommendations will be made regarding procurement processes from a circular economy perspective.

Training and Joint Workshops

In line with green transformation, climate change, women’s employment, and sustainable development goals, joint training programs and workshops will be organized with the aim of strengthening collaboration between industry and academia as well as raising awareness on sustainability.

Coordination of Research Activities

Research on sustainability and environmental social impact management will be coordinated by the relevant units within METU and TKYB.


The Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye had previously signed collaboration protocols with Boğaziçi University, Istanbul Technical University, and Marmara University. Thus, METU has become the fourth university to sign a collaboration protocol with TKYB.

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