2nd International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies held online between...
Organized by The Center for Solar Energy Research and Applications (GÜNAM) of our University, the2nd International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies is held online between November 30 and December 2, 2020, within the scope of coronavirus restrictions.
A Horizon 2020 project titled “PONDERFUL” focusing ponds by Prof. Meryem...
Prof. Meryem Beklioğlu from the Biological Sciences Department and her team including Prof. Zuhal Akyürek from the Civil Engineering Department and Asst. Prof.Antoine Dolcerocca from the Sociology Department of the Middle East Technical University are part of a consortium running a new Horizon 2020 project, 'PONDERFUL', led by the University of Vic (Spain).
TÜBİTAK 1512 Grant to Research Assistant Berkay Özbek from METU EEE
Berkay Özbek, a graduate of the Electrical-Electronics Engineering undergraduate program of our university, a graduate student under the supervision of Prof. Haluk Külah and research assistant at the same department, will be supported within the scope of the TÜBİTAK 1512 Techno-Entrepreneurship Capital Support Program with his project.
Study of Assoc. Prof. Ulaş Yaman and Prof. Melik Dölen selected...
Study of Assoc. Prof. Ulaş Yaman and Prof. Melik Dölen entitled as “Generation of Patterned Indentations for Additive Manufacturing Technologies” has been selected as the Best Design and Manufacturing Application paper by the journal of IISE Transactions.
METU 2019-2020 Graduates with Top-Rankings
Since our university's 2019-2020 Academic Year Diploma Ceremony was in the pandemic period, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Verşan Kök, the President, congratulated our top-ranked graduates for their outstanding success by contacting them.
Study of METU team published on high impact factor journal
The scientific article entitled “Impact of nutrients and water level changes on submerged macrophytes along a temperature gradient: A pan-European mesocosm experiment,” co-authored by Prof. Meryem Beklioğlu, Zeynep Ersoy, Tuba Bucak and Eti Levi together with Prof. Erik Jeppesen, is published in “Global Change Biology”.
A new co-working space for METU students
The construction of the "METU Students Co-working Area" will begin at the end of November 2020, and it is planned to be completed and put into service in September 2021.
Two Awards to METU in the 2nd National Universities Patent Competition
METU was awarded two awards, including first prize, in “Patenting Turkey - 2nd National Universities Patent Competition” organized by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TÜRKPATENT), at the ceremony on October 16, 2020.
Asst. Prof. Dicle Dövencioğlu Awarded by The L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in...
Assistant Prof. Dicle Dövencioğlu, from METU Psychology Department, was awarded within the scope of the "For Women in Science" program, in cooperation with L'Oréal-UNESCO by her "Multidimensionality of softness perception in viscoelastic materials" project.
METU 2018-2019 Academic Year Graduate Thesis and Course Performance Awards presented
The Graduate Thesis and Course Performance Awards, aiming to reward the outstanding achievements of more than 7,000 graduate students, and to support their academic motivation at our five institutes actively continuing their education life within our university, were presented.