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Dr. Ahmet Acar is on Nature Communications with his research about...

As developing resistance to standard cancer therapies is inevitable, are we ready to face with this problem in a timely manner?

Webinar by Prof. Jeppesen and Prof. Beklioğlu

A webinar on “Climate change effects on lakes - evidence from cross-system studies from the arctic to the tropics and from ecosystem modelling” will be held on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, at 8.00 pm (19.00 CEST), with the support of the METU Science Communication Team.

Beklioğlu, Jeppesen and team in Nature Ecology & Evolution with their...

The scientific article entitled “Impacts of multiple stressors on freshwater biota across spatial scales and ecosystems,” co-authored by Prof. Dr. Meryem Beklioğlu, Tuba Bucak and Uğur Işkın together with Prof. Dr. Erik Jeppesen, is published in “NATURE Ecology & Evolution”.

METU IVMER Joins CERN Openlab as a Research Member

METU IVMER is the first Research Center from Turkey to join CERN openlab as a member

Webinar on “Designing Games that Resonate with Learners and Learning”

A webinar on “Designing Games that Resonate with Learners and Learning” will be held on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, at 9.30 pm . Prof. Eric Kopfler will attend the webinar as the speaker.

Three Awards to the METU Team from the 23rd International Business...

The student team of Prof. Semra Aşcıgil won first and first runner up prizes in graduate division of the 23rd International Business Ethics Case Competition (IBECC).

TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1004 – The Center of Excellence Support Program “Call...

“Turkish Photovoltaic Technologies Platform” Project submitted by METU GÜNAM (Center for Solar Energy Research and Applications) together with 8 other national partners to the “Call for High Technology Platforms” opened within the scope of TÜBİTAK Center of Excellence Support Program (1004 Program) has been accepted and passed to the next stage.

METU Zero Waste Unit Placed 2013 Waste Collection Boxes

Zero Waste Unit placed waste collection bins at various points of the campus.

METU Ranked in Top 10 in THE Impact Rankings

According to the Impact Rankings 2020 results announced by the world universities ranking institution Times Higher Education (THE), METU has become the university with the best results among the Turkish universities, taking place in the top 10 in the title of "clean water and sanitation".

Research Activities of METU During the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic

Middle East Technical University President Prof. Dr. Mustafa Verşan Kök has made statements about various projects and programs carried out in the distance education process started by METU.
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