The first joint research center in Turkey, the “Neuroscience and Neurotechnology Excellence Joint Application and Research Center” (NEUROM) was officially launched in a ceremony on November 29, in collaboration with Middle East Technical University, Ankara University and Gazi University.
The first joint research center in Turkey to be run in collaboration with Middle East Technical University, Ankara University and Gazi University, the “Neuroscience and Neurotechnology Excellence Joint Application and Research Center” (NEUROM) was officially launched in a ceremony held on November 29. The research center status of NEUROM, the establishment efforts of which began in 2018, was approved by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) approximately three years ago, on November 18, 2020. NEUROM research focus is expected to cover engineering, natural sciences, and social sciences, as well as basic medical sciences.
The joint research center aspires to establish a national neuroscience research infrastructure accessible to all researchers. By processing cyclical neuroscience data obtained from biological or artificial systems employing computational neuroscience methods, NEUROM seeks to unravel what is unknown about the human brain. NEUROM’s goals include defining diagnostics and therapeutic biotargets, developing innovative devices, artificial intelligence applications, neurochip and system/disease models, in addition to creating an educational platform for the neuroscience ecosystem.
For detailed information, you can visit NEUROM’s website.