METU conducts the most comprehensive experiment in the world, exploring the harms of microplastics to fresh water resources and the ecological balance of the planet within the scope of AQUACOSM Project, funded by EU Horizon 2020.
In the Project, carried out in partnership with 21 countries; the effects of microplastics that accumulate in the sea and freshwater through the crumbling of petrochemical products such as soap, shower gel, detergent, decoration materials on living creatures and water quality are monitored for the first time in nature in real time.
Within the scope of AQUACOSM Project, which combines the infrastructures of researches on microplastics effect in the oceans monitored for years and the scientifically unknown experimental research for freshwater, 10 scientists from USA, UK, Serbia and Czechia are participating in the experiment conducted in Turkey.
37 experiments, similar to the experimental system established to evaluate the adverse effects of microplastics in the shallow fresh water lakes at METU DSİ 50. Year Pond with coordinatorship of Prof. Meryem Beklioğlu from METU Department of Biological Sciences, were conducted in 21 project partner countries. The project is the first in the world on such a large scale, and it will last for three years with a budget of €320.000.
The full text of the news made by the Anadolu Agency can be found at https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/bilim-teknoloji/sudaki-plastik-tehdidi-odtunun-buyuk-deneyinde-inceleniyor/1207248.