Home News SSB Signed Three Project Contracts with METU

SSB Signed Three Project Contracts with METU

The contracts of the projects were signed in a ceremony attended by the Presidency of Defense Industry, Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), universities and private sector representatives.

In four R&D Panels held on creating a new structure to carry out the R&D of the Presidency of Defense Industry much more quickly and efficiently, it was decided to execute 10 projects in 2018 in cooperation with SME-Industry-University. The contracts of these projects were signed in a ceremony attended by the Presidency of Defense Industry, Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), universities and private sector representatives.

Three projects to be carried out in cooperation with METU and by ODTÜ Teknokent companies are among 10 projects bound by a contract and launched for the needs of existing or planned systems and platforms of security forces and for new technology areas. These projects are as follows:


Project On Developing A Local Tracking and Detection System Against Nuclear Radiation Threat (RADAT)

The RADAT project aims to develop a detector system that can perform radioactivity measurements at a microGray level with a readable dose value sensitivity and identify the isotope, which is the source of radiation. For the first time in Turkey, CdZnTe (cadmium zinc telluride) crystal that detects beta, gamma and X-ray emissions will be developed to become a detector through this project. CdZnTe crystal and detector, the main element of radiation detection systems, cannot be produced in our country. The number of countries with this product in the world is quite limited. Therefore, it was decided to support RADAT project under the R&D program initiated by the Presidency of Defense Industry. In the project, the main contractor is Nanomanyetik Instruments, one of ODTÜ Teknokent companies, and the project will be carried out with METU.


Innovative Software Competing Project – OGAM

This project aims to measure the automatic target tracking and detection systems using images in our country in a fair and sensitive manner.In this context, the project is basically aims to create a hardware and software infrastructure that can measure the automatic recognition performance of different algorithms for different types of visual data and variable target types. The basic features of the system can be listed as follows:

  • Developing the solution with domestic and national opportunities,
  • Ensuring the security of source codes as well the confidentiality of competitor persons and institutions,
  • Scalable regardless of the number of competitors,,
  • A solution where test data is kept confidential without being shared with competitors.

The project will be carried out by METU Center for Image Analysis (OGAM).


Project On Developing Infrared Detector Set (NAR)

NAR Project aims to develop infrared imaging systems that will be used in air defense systems produced and used by the defense industry. When the project is completed, these systems purchased from abroad will be produced domestically. Thus, our country will be among the few countries capable of producing high-tech electro-optic systems. The main contractor of the project is ASELSAN and R&D companies in ODTÜ Teknokent, iTek, Optronic and Microtechnology, will also be the subcontractors. The activities will be carried out in close cooperation with research laboratories within METU.

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