TPC (Turkish Programming Contest) 2019, a first of its kind, multi-tiered and team based competition and Turkey leg of ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest), a highly prestigious international programming competition for university teams, will be held on September 13-14-15 in İstanbul at Beykoz Kundura as a precedent to the regional and world finals of ICPC and with the partnership of inzva, a project of Birebir Eğitim Vakfı, ICPC and METU.
Last year, 52 thousand students from 3200 universities located in 115 countries took part in the competition, which is completely free of charge, and led by Prof. Dr. Tolga Can and Prof. Dr. Pınar Karagöz from METU Department of Computer Engineering. Teams who make it to the top ten in this competition will receive full financial support from Birebir Eğitim Vakfı, which aims to increase competition among university teams of Turkey as well as help represent the country by sponsoring the best 10 teams of the national contest to join the regional contest every year, to join SEERC (Southeastern Europe Regional Contest). Those who succeed at SEERC will gain the right to join ICPC World Finals.
Turkish Programming Contest, which will be held in partnership with METU, with its graduates in the most wanted companies in 190 countries of the world, and inzva, a community that fosters young talents who are able to compete on a global level; will take place annually before SEERC and ICPC, to highlight the future computer engineers of Turkey in a global arena by bringing the competition spirit to their own country. With this unique experience, talented computer engineering students will develop the skills necessary in their professional and academic careers; such as teamwork, solving algorithm problems and working with time limitations. Students coming from all around Turkey will also have the chance to meet many participants from the world of business and science.
To be able to join the competition, teams must be registered to the official ICPC system. For detailed information and registrationplease visit: https://inzva.com/algorithm/contest/2019/ulusal-programlama-yarismasi-2019
The deadline for registration is August 31, Friday 19:00.