The Black Sea Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) Stakeholder Consultation Workshop, coordinated by METU Institute of Marine Sciences and organized within the scope of EU H2020 Black Sea CONNECT Project, which is the first multi-partner Horizon2020 consortium coordinated by METU, was held on September 16, 2020. The workshop was held online with the participation of more than 150 representatives from universities, public institutions, private sector and civil society.
METU Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Verşan Kök, Vice President of TUBİTAK Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yozgatlıgil, Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Director General for Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation Bülent Özcan, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure – Director General for European Union Affairs and Foreign Relations Erdem Direkler delivered opening remarks in the event that aimed to identify and set the national marine research and innovation priorities for a healthy, sustainable and better valued Black Sea.
Sigi Gruber, Head of Unit Healthy Seas and Oceans, European Commission was also in the workshop, in order to share “2030 Vision for a healthy, resilient and better valued Black Sea” of the European Commission.
The workshop aimed to:
- Identify and set the national priorities that will form the basis for determining common priorities in the Black Sea basin,
- Provide concrete input to the Implementation Plan with tangible actions proposed by the stakeholders based on the national priorities identified during the workshop,
- Establish contacts with stakeholders for future cooperation for setting active multi-stakeholder platform were targeted.
In line with these objectives, break-out sessions on the four main areas of SRIA were held in order to gather input from the stakeholders. An interactive panel was held to bring together the outputs of the break-out groups. SRIA workshops will be held in all Black Sea countries with their national stakeholders until mid-October to contribute to common implementation pathways towards supporting Blue Growth in the Black Sea.
For further information, please visit the links below:
Black Sea Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda Workshop
➡️ http://connect2blacksea.org/national-sria-workshops-2/
The Blue Growth Initiative for Research and Innovation in the Black Sea and Black Sea CONNECT project