METU/BILTIR-UTEST Product Usability Unit is investigating the effects of remote work conditions caused by COVID-19 pandemic on User Experience (UX) practice, which is an emerging field in Turkey.
The project titled as ‘Developing a Guide for Supporting Remote User Experience Research’ is funded within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1001 – COVID-19 and Society Call. In this project, firms conducting UX research during the pandemic were interviewed, and comments and suggestions made in the global market were reviewed. Based on these, the project aims to develop a guide for remote UX research to be consulted by designers and researchers practicing in this area.
The project team involves Assist. Prof. Gülşen Töre Yargın from METU Industrial Design Department, Assist. Prof. Sedef Süner-Pla-Cerda from TEDÜ Industrial Design Department, PhD student Semih Danış and MSc student Hilal Şahin from METU.