METU Design Factory, an innovation center where researchers and students from various disciplines come together and work on new products and solutions, hosts an important organization in the fields of design, innovation, and collaboration. Within the International Design Factory Week (IDFW) that will take place between October 2-6, 2023, design factory representatives from many countries will convene at METU for workshops, training and new collaboration opportunities.
Design Factory Global Network (DFGN), comprising 39 design factories across 26 countries as members and promoting international cooperation efforts with a focus on education and innovation through events such as IDFW, gathers its 25 member design factories and nearly fifty representatives at METU Design Factory. The design factories that participate in this year’s event to discuss possible future collaborations and projects in addition to sharing their activities with others are listed below.
- Design Factory Javeriana Bogotá (Colombia)
- Design Factory Korea (South Korea)
- Design Factory Melbourne (Australia)
- Design Factory Shenkar (Israel)
- DF London (England)
- DF Pforzheim (Germany)
- DF@Seunisa (Italy)
- FORGE Design Factory (Ireland)
- FusionPoint (Spain)
- Future Design Factory (The Netherlands)
- HAMK Design Factory (Finland)
- Hannam Design Factory (South Korea)
- iCubo UDD (Chile)
- Ideasquare @CERN (Switzerland)
- Inno.space (Germany)
- Kyoto Design Lab (Japan)
- Manchester Design Factory (England)
- NYC Design Factory (United States of America)
- Oper.Space (Italy)
- Porto Design Factory (Portugal)
- Sino-Finnish Centre (China)
- St. John’s University Design Factory (United States of America)
- University of Tartu Delta Sandbox (Estonia)
- UPV: Generación Espontánea (Spain)
This year in its seventh iteration at the METU Design Factory, IDFW also includes the second international DFGN.R Conference, where diverse applications and educational insights from all over the world in the field of design and innovation are exchanged and explored. This year’s conference, themed “Design for Diversity,” will take place on October 5-6 in collaboration with the CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation (CIJ), and selected research papers will be published in a special issue of this journal. Throughout the remainder of the week, you can get the updates regarding these exciting events by following the METU Design Factory and DFGN social media accounts, or by following the hashtags #IDFW2023 and #DFGNR. For detailed information and updates, you can also click on the links below.
- DFGN.R Conference Website: https://www.conference.dfgn.org/
- Conference Proceedings Book: https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/123732
- METU Design Factory Website: https://tf.metu.edu.tr/