Three Thousand Saplings Planted in METU
“Forestation Event”, which has been organized since 1961, was held on October 30, 2019.
METU Ranked First in the Performance Evaluation of Research Universities by YÖK
METU ranked first according to the 2017 and 2018 performance rankings among the “Research and Candidate Research Universities”.
Analysis of Teaching Experience with Advanced Technology in Higher Education: Improvement of Teaching Techniques...
The "Teaching in Higher Education Effectively via Eye-tracking" project, by Prof. Dr. Kürşat Çağıltay, is entitled to be granted within the scope of 2019 ERASMUS+ KA203.
Assoc. Prof. Görkem Günbaş is entitled to METU’s Third ERC Project Support with “Alternative...
Assoc. Prof. Görkem Günbaş's project proposal in "ERC Starting Grant 2019" call, was entitled to receive support.
METU Presidential Lecture Series Starts with Prof. Peter Agre, MD
Under the leadership of METU Presidency, “METU Presidential Lecture Series” will be held throughout the 2019-2020 Academic Year, in which world-renowned and Nobel Prize-winning scientists will be present as speakers.
Asst. Prof. Zöhre Kurt Awarded by The L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science”
Assistant Prof. Zöhre Kurt was awarded within the scope of the “For Women in Science” program, in cooperation with L’Oréal-UNESCO by her “Wastewater Treatment Through Sustainable Fuel Production” Project.
METU Leads TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1001 Projects
METU received the highest number of project funds in the 1001 program proposed to the TÜBİTAK in the first term of 2019.
Two METU Alumni Received “Presidential Early Career Award” from US Government
Assoc. Dr. Ayşegül Gündüz and Assoc. Dr. Pınar Zorlutuna received the PECASE award.
Countdown to Turkish Programming Contest!
Countdown has started for Turkish Programming Contest 2019, which aims to provide new skills to young computer engineering students by combining algorithmic thinking with teamwork.
METU Leads Research as Well
METU continues to have a say in national and international research and development projects as a research university.