METU and the University of Glasgow will provide low-cost and high-speed housing by 3D-printable...

The project, led by Dr. Çağla Meral Akgül, was accepted for "TÜBİTAK - British Council (UK) Bilateral Cooperation (Institutional Links) Programme" funding.

Personalized Treatment in Cancer

Assoc. Prof. Nurcan Tunçbağ at METU Graduate School of Informatics, develops computer models that reveals complex interaction networks in cancer cells using mathematical formulas.

Nanomaterial lighter than water stronger than titanium

In a joint study of the Assist. Prof. Sezer Özerinç from METU Department of Mechanical Engineering and scientist from United States and UK, hollow nano porous nickel alloys were produced.

Disability-Friendly Designs from METU

At METU, projects are being produced to enable individuals with disabilities to adapt to daily life and to make their lives easier.