Assoc. Prof. Çağdaş Devrim Son and his team work to discover possible treatments for...
Assoc. Prof. Cağdaş Devrim Son from the Department of Biological Sciences, Molecular Biology and Genetics Program, leads screening the molecular docking system for potentially effective molecules for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
METU will be the project coordinator of H2020-MSCA RISE project of Assoc. Prof. Mecit...
METU will be the coordinator of the H2020-MSCA RISE project of Assoc. Prof. Mecit Halil Öztop from Food Engineering department with the title of SuChAQuality
Assoc. Prof. Koray Kamil Yılmaz selected to be a member of the NASA “Global...
Assoc. Prof. Koray Kamil Yılmaz has been selected to be a member of the NASA “Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Science Team”, with his project titled “Ground Validation of GPM-Era Precipitation Products over Complex Topography of Turkey and the Mediterranean with a focus on Modeling Hydrologic Extremes”.
METU IVMER Joins CERN Openlab as a Research Member
METU IVMER is the first Research Center from Turkey to join CERN openlab as a member
TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1004 – The Center of Excellence Support Program “Call for High Technology...
“Turkish Photovoltaic Technologies Platform” Project submitted by METU GÜNAM (Center for Solar Energy Research and Applications) together with 8 other national partners to the “Call for High Technology Platforms” opened within the scope of TÜBİTAK Center of Excellence Support Program (1004 Program) has been accepted and passed to the next stage.
Project Grant of 13 Million Euros for METU
METU’s two projects are granted.
Analysis of Teaching Experience with Advanced Technology in Higher Education: Improvement of Teaching Techniques...
The "Teaching in Higher Education Effectively via Eye-tracking" project, by Prof. Dr. Kürşat Çağıltay, is entitled to be granted within the scope of 2019 ERASMUS+ KA203.
Assoc. Prof. Görkem Günbaş is entitled to METU’s Third ERC Project Support with “Alternative...
Assoc. Prof. Görkem Günbaş's project proposal in "ERC Starting Grant 2019" call, was entitled to receive support.
METU Leads TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1001 Projects
METU received the highest number of project funds in the 1001 program proposed to the TÜBİTAK in the first term of 2019.
METU Received Two European Union Project Funds
METU, received funding for two separate projects in the European Union’s Horizon2020 program.