Home Ranking METU ranks first in Entrepreneurial and Innovative University Index 2021

METU ranks first in Entrepreneurial and Innovative University Index 2021

METU has maintained its success in ranking first in TÜBİTAK's Entrepreneurial and Innovative University Index in 2021, just like in the previous years.

METU has maintained its success in ranking first in TÜBİTAK’s Entrepreneurial and Innovative University Index in 2021, just like in the previous years. Our university has ranked first in the index that includes 191 universities with more than 50 faculty members (professors, associate professors, and assistant professors) with a total score of 83,7.

Prepared under the leadership of TÜBİTAK with the contributions of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, the Council of Higher Education, the Presidency of Defense Industries, the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, the Ministry of Treasure and Finance, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization (KOSGEB), the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TÜRKPATENT), the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies (TAGEM), Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency (TENMAK), Center for EU Education and Youth Programmes, the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA), and universities, the index aims to develop the entrepreneurial ecosystem by increasing entrepreneurship and innovation-oriented competition among universities.

Within the index, universities are evaluated according to 23 indicators in four categories, which are the scientific and technological research competence (15 percent), intellectual property pool (20 percent), cooperation and interaction (25 percent), and economic contribution and commercialization (40 percent). The total score of each university is calculated by adding the evaluation points obtained from each category.

The graphics regarding the top 50 universities in the Entrepreneurial and Innovative University Index 2021 can be found on TÜBİTAK’s web page.

Top 10 Universities and Their Scores in Entrepreneurial and Innovative University Index 2021:

Ranking University Total Score
1 METU 83,7
2 Sabancı University 75,7
3 Istanbul Technical University 72,5
4 Bilkent University 68,3
5 Yıldız Tehnical University 67,0
6 Koç University 65,5
7 Gebze Technical University 62,7
8 Boğaziçi University 62,3
9 Izmir Institute of Technology 59,7
10 Özyeğin University 58,2


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