Middle East Technical University (METU) ranked 1st in 2020 Patent Report, published by Patent Effect, according to both numbers of commercialization and numbers of commercialization by cumulative data and licensed patents.
In “Turkey’s Patent Map” report, based on the patent data used for measuring and tracking innovation performances of countries, firms, universities and institutions, an overall analysis of patent applications submitted until 31.12.2020 by firms, institutions, universities and individuals is conducted.
According to the report’s evaluation of patent commercialization performances, universities/research centers in Turkey realized 121 patent/utility model/know-how/design commercialization (in terms of the numbers of commercialization contracts) in total in 2020.
As of the end of 2020, METU with its 24 commercialized and 27 licensed/transferred patents listed at the top in the rankings of commercialization-leader universities and research centers. METU also ranked 1st in terms of the numbers of realized commercialization in 2020 with 8 contracts.
At METU, the procedures of commercialization of innovations developed by faculty members are carried out by Technology Transfer Office (METU TTO). Currently, there are more than 160 innovations in METU TTO’s patent portfolio, developed in various areas ranging from biomedical engineering to defense industry and from nanotechnology to informatics. More than 400 patent applications (most of them being EPO, US, Japan and EAPO applications) are made for these innovations. METU TTO carries out commercialization processes and all activities in regard to researching commercial potentials of the innovations in the patent portfolio, assessing their advantages in comparison to other competitors, commercialization of innovations through license or transfer, furthering the notion of academic entrepreneurship at the university, and developing innovations by creating academic spin-offs based on intellectual property rights.
In the report “Turkey’s Patent Map”, ODTU Teknokent ranked 2nd with 49 Patentpreneurs in the evaluation of technoparks hosting start-up firms (Patentpreneurs) that are established in 2010 or later and have at least one patent/utility model application and registration.