Stakeholders of the Mediterranean Sea continue their efforts to clean the oceans and waters, increase income from the marine economy, and enable the sustainable use of marine resources. City and regional stakeholders that initially started working under the name of Blue Economy, determined their roadmap with the “Restore Our Oceans and Waters Mission: Turkey, Mediterranean Hub Establishment Workshop,” organized with the support of Horizon Europe BlueMissionMed. The Turkey Mediterranean Hub, which will be established at the end of the workshop, aims to develop permanent practices to prevent and eliminate pollution in the Mediterranean Sea.
Hosted by the Mersin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, organized by METU Graduate School of Marine Sciences with the contributions of Mersin Metropolitan Municipality, Mersin Chamber of Shipping, and the Mersin Economy Platform, “Turkey, Mediterranean Hub Establishment Workshop” was held on December 12, 2023, to support the goals of the Horizon Europe Restore Our Oceans and Waters Mission regarding clean seas and oceans. Nearly 100 participants, including academics, decision-makers, non-governmental organizations, and representatives from the maritime sectors, attended the workshop.
The event featured national and international practices to prevent and eliminate pollution in the Mediterranean Sea. In the panel where the city’s stakeholders took part, Chambers, Ministry Provincial Directorates, Development Agency, and university representatives exchanged ideas on how their institutions and organizations could contribute to working together for a clean Mediterranean Sea.
Discussions were held with the participants on the challenges, actions, and priorities towards the goal of preventing and eliminating pollution in the Mediterranean Sea. Assessments were conducted to develop an attractive and well-functioning basin-scale innovation ecosystem for investments and businesses.
Salihoğlu: “This hub should turn into a living laboratory”
In the opening speech of the event, Prof. Dr. Barış Salihoğlu, Director of METU Graduate School of Marine Sciences, started by underlining that the increasing climate pressure on seas has become something more and more commonly talked about in recent years. Noting that there are many pressures on the seas, not only the climate, Salihoğlu pointed out that pollution is at the forefront of these and said the following: “Of course, it is not possible to evaluate the pressure of pollution all by itself. We must address the issue alongside many other types of pressure such as climate, invasive species, excessive or uncontrolled hunting and constructions. Marine ecosystems have been severely damaged along our coasts, and this is similarly reflected in the economy. Our goal is to strengthen and continue the efforts we started with city stakeholders on the Blue Economy, which we have been discussing for a long time and started a while ago to find solutions by strengthening it with the workshop we hold today. Today, we are together with local authorities, development agencies, sector representatives, research institutions such as TÜBİTAK, and universities. We aim to continue working in this area for lots of years with the synergy we will create together.”
In his speech, Salihoğlu emphasized the importance of producing scientific and innovation-based solutions for sustainability while benefiting from the seas. He stated that they aim for solution-oriented, science-based, and innovative projects to be conducted within Turkey Mediterranean Hub. After expressing his desire to strengthen collaborations between researchers, the private sector, and local authorities, he went on to say that the Hub’s main goals include developing technology, generating social innovation, and seeking ideas on how to create joint financing for sustainable business model applications. He said, “The main goal should be for this Hub to become a living laboratory.”
Çakır: “We must have a common memorandum of understanding.”
Speaking at the opening of the workshop, Hakan Sefa Çakır, Chair of the Mersin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, stated that they see nature as the common value of the entire world and said: “We use most of these resources together with the rest of the world. In this sense, we are aware of our responsibility in using what nature offers us, especially water.” He emphasized that the required awareness has not been yet raised in this matter and that everyone, from industrialists to farmers, from local authorities to regular citizens, should be in unity of action. He also said that Mersin should have a common memorandum of understanding with a holistic goal. Considering the city’s strength in agriculture and tourism, Çakır pointed out that the primary area of focus in Mersin should be water and sea. “After all, other sub-issues depend on the health of water and seas,” he added. After expressing his belief in the fact that the workshop will demonstrate actions that trigger common solutions soon, Çakır said the following about the workshop where the next steps to be taken for cleaner and sustainable seas regarding the pollution problem in the Mediterranean were discussed: “We will talk about what promises the institutions will give in these matters, whether social, industrial or financial, in line with their fields of activity and how we can cooperate and how institutions can support each other in the preparation and implementation of roadmaps for waste-free and clean seas. As you know, pollution in the seas also poses an obstacle to the Blue Economy in the sustainable use of marine resources. Considering this, the steps our institutions can take, even if small, to prevent pollution and the ways we can develop collaborations in line with this goal will be discussed. Your opinions and suggestions, with the contribution of all the guests here today, will be an important part of this synergy.”
Lokmanoğlu: “If we act together, we will get results”
Cihat Lokmanoğlu, Chair of the Board of Directors of Mersin Chamber of Shipping, also shared the efforts of his chamber for a clean sea. Noting that the seas and oceans, which play a key role in sustaining life, are under the pressure of human activities and climate change, Lokmanoğlu stated that there are lots of threats that can be talked about, ranging from the increasing water temperatures at oceans to rising sea levels, from increased acidification and pollution to ecosystem degradation. Pointing out that we will have to face irreversible outcomes if a solution is not produced to these problems, Lokmanoğlu emphasized that the solution requires global cooperation and determination. “However, I believe that local and regional efforts and collaborations, as the one we have here today, will play a significant role in mitigating the problems,” said Lokmanoğlu, adding, “We can get results regarding cleaning the seas if we act together. As such, I care about the unity here and believe that we can find effective strategies and common solutions.”
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hakan Öztürk, the Vice President of Mersin University, also stated that they are ready to support all kinds of efforts in this matter as a university.
For more information regarding the workshop, please visit: http://ims.metu.edu.tr/tr/slayt/misyon-okyanuslar-turkiye-akdeniz-hubinin-kurulmasi-calistayi