Our Department of Economics alum honored to be the first Turkish...
Altuğ Aydemir, a 2020 alum of our University’s Department of Economics, was honored to be one of the 12 economists shortlisted as “Highly Commended Entrants” in “The Global Undergraduate Awards”.
“Best Scientists” special award in European Rover Challenge 2020 to METU...
METU ROVER project was awarded the "Best Scientists" special award at the European Rover Challenge 2020, which is the most prestigious space and robotics competition in Europe, supported by the European Space Agency (ESA).
METU and TÜBİTAK host H2020 Black Sea CONNECT project, Black Sea...
The Black Sea Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) Stakeholder Consultation Workshop within the scope of EU H2020 Black Sea CONNECT Project, which is the first multi-partner Horizon2020 consortium coordinated by METU, was held on September 16, 2020.
Assoc. Prof. Çağdaş Devrim Son and his team work to discover...
Assoc. Prof. Cağdaş Devrim Son from the Department of Biological Sciences, Molecular Biology and Genetics Program, leads screening the molecular docking system for potentially effective molecules for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
METU will be the project coordinator of H2020-MSCA RISE project of...
METU will be the coordinator of the H2020-MSCA RISE project of Assoc. Prof. Mecit Halil Öztop from Food Engineering department with the title of SuChAQuality
Webinar on “Albert Einstein: Scientific Genius or Marketing Genius?”
A webinar will be held on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, at 11.30 am, with the organization of the METU Science Communication Team. Ogan Gurel, MD, will attend the webinar as the speaker.
Assoc. Prof. Koray Kamil Yılmaz selected to be a member of...
Assoc. Prof. Koray Kamil Yılmaz has been selected to be a member of the NASA “Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Science Team”, with his project titled “Ground Validation of GPM-Era Precipitation Products over Complex Topography of Turkey and the Mediterranean with a focus on Modeling Hydrologic Extremes”.
Dr. Ahmet Acar is on Nature Communications with his research about...
As developing resistance to standard cancer therapies is inevitable, are we ready to face with this problem in a timely manner?
Webinar by Prof. Jeppesen and Prof. Beklioğlu
A webinar on “Climate change effects on lakes - evidence from cross-system studies from the arctic to the tropics and from ecosystem modelling” will be held on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, at 8.00 pm (19.00 CEST), with the support of the METU Science Communication Team.
Beklioğlu, Jeppesen and team in Nature Ecology & Evolution with their...
The scientific article entitled “Impacts of multiple stressors on freshwater biota across spatial scales and ecosystems,” co-authored by Prof. Dr. Meryem Beklioğlu, Tuba Bucak and Uğur Işkın together with Prof. Dr. Erik Jeppesen, is published in “NATURE Ecology & Evolution”.