METU ranks #1 in QS EECA Rankings 2022

METU has ranked first among the universities in Turkey in QS EECA 2022 ranking that includes the top universities in Emerging Europe and Central Asia.

METU ranks first in Entrepreneurial and Innovative University Index 2021

METU has maintained its success in ranking first in TÜBİTAK's Entrepreneurial and Innovative University Index in 2021, just like in the previous years.

METU Ranks First Among Research Universities Once Again

The Middle East Technical University has ranked first in the "Research Universities Performance Monitoring Index" by The Council of Higher Education (YÖK).

METU ranks among the top 500 in THE World University Rankings 2022

According to the results of THE World University Rankings by Subject, METU has ranked 93rd among world universities and the first among Turkish universities.

METU ranks first in Turkey and 75th in the world in RUR Reputation Rankings

METU has ranked 75th among world universities and the first among Turkish universities in the "reputation ranking" announced by the Round University Ranking (RUR).

METU is the only university from Turkey to make it to the top 500...

METU ranked first among Turkish universities and 497th among world universities in the 2021 Webometrics Ranking of World Universities.

METU ranks first in European research projects

At the end of the Horizon 2020 program, Middle East Technical University has ranked first among the universities in Turkey in terms of the number of projects received funding.

METU Ranks First among Turkish universities in the Global 2000 list by CWUR

METU ranked first among 55 universities from Turkey according to the 2021-2022 ranking of two thousand universities worldwide, according to the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR).

METU Ranked 1st for commercialization activities

METU ranked 1st in 2020 Patent Report, published by Patent Effect, according to both numbers of commercialization and numbers of commercialization by cumulative data and licensed patents.

METU Ranked in Top 10 in THE Impact Rankings

According to the Impact Rankings 2020 results announced by the world universities ranking institution Times Higher Education (THE), METU has become the university with the best results among the Turkish universities, taking place in the top 10 in the title of "clean water and sanitation".