Research on Gender Roles and the Place of Women in Society on International Women’s...

Assoc. Prof. Aslı Bugay Sökmez at Department of Guidance and Psychological Counselling at METU Northern Cyprus Campus carries out academic studies on gender roles and the place of women in society.

The Project “Data Analytics without Borders: Multi-Layered Insights for Syrian Refugee Crisis” Awarded in...

“Data Analytics Without Borders” team has received the Honorable Mention Award in the”Labor”category of the D4R-Data for Refugees Challenge.

Personalized Treatment in Cancer

Assoc. Prof. Nurcan Tunçbağ at METU Graduate School of Informatics, develops computer models that reveals complex interaction networks in cancer cells using mathematical formulas.

Nanomaterial lighter than water stronger than titanium

In a joint study of the Assist. Prof. Sezer Özerinç from METU Department of Mechanical Engineering and scientist from United States and UK, hollow nano porous nickel alloys were produced.

“BlackSea4Fish” Project by METU Institute of Marine Sciences

Conducted by Prof. Dr. Ali Cemal Gücü from METU Institute of Marine Sciences, the project is dedicated to building collaboration in the Black Sea region.

Signing Ceremony of TUBITAK 2244 Industrial PhD Program was Held

517 PhD students will be trained in line with the needs of the industry through 120 different cooperation projects to be carried out by 33 different universities, including METU, with 77 companies.

SSB Signed Three Project Contracts with METU

The contracts of the projects were signed in a ceremony attended by the Presidency of Defense Industry, Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), universities and private sector representatives.

METU’s Success in TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1001 Projects

METU received the highest number of project funds in the 1001 program proposed to the TÜBİTAK Research Support Programs Department (ARDEB) in the second half of 2018.

Disability-Friendly Designs from METU

At METU, projects are being produced to enable individuals with disabilities to adapt to daily life and to make their lives easier.

METU Explores Microplastics Pollution in Water

METU conducts the most comprehensive experiment in the world, exploring the harms of microplastics to fresh water resources and the ecological balance of the planet within the scope of AQUACOSM Project, funded by EU Horizon 2020.